Speaker Interview: Vasilika Klimova — Frontend Developer at Artec 3D

2 min readMay 22, 2017


With AmsterdamJS Conference being only few weeks away, we are continuing our series of AmsterdamJS Speakers interviews.

Today we are welcoming Vasilika Klimova— MoscowJS community co-organizer, recognized speaker and tutor of numerous courses on the basics of markup and JavaScript programming.

AmsterdamJS: Tell us a bit about yourself — how did it all begin? What in your opinion was the first conscious step towards your current career?

Vasilika: I decided to become a programmer at 7th grade. At the university I had been learning C++ language, but in my small city Tver we have had only 1C and web vacancies. That’s why I became full-stack developer (PHP/JavaScript). Then I moved to Moscow and chose Frontend development. Why? Because I love interfaces. I’m happy when users enjoy convenient UI.

AmsterdamJS: What are the best use cases for WebGL in the modern web?

Vasilika: On my opinion the best use cases of WebGL is 3D CAD like onshape.com, or 3D environment map for car business (http://www.citroenorigins.fr/fr/vehicule/ds), or panoramas on maps (Colosseum for example https://www.google.com/maps/@41.890072,12.4925342,3a,75y,301.45h,94.23t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s07gbqMWIg_HId5m7W94qHg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?hl=en). In other words something important and useful for the society.

AmsterdamJS: Do you feel the community around WebGL growing sufficiently? Or do you think it could be evolving faster?

Vasilika: A lot of cool companies promote WebGL standards, like Google and Mozilla. People like this feature. Maybe somebody afraid to use it, because it consumes the resources, but interactive using of your site and Wow effects do their job. As for the communities, there are not many of them. But I think we definitely should get together more often.

AmsterdamJS: Is there a future for serious 3D gaming in the browser?

Vasilika: I think yes, even more then that. I imagine it will be like VR games, when you are sitting at home on your own chair, and at the same time you are the great warrior and hero saving the Galactic.

We thank Vasilika for time taken to answer our questions and knowledge shared. At AmsterdamJS Conference Vasilika will be presenting very practical talk “WebGL Practical Application”.

Let us know whom we should interview next!https://amsterdamjs.com/#speakers




Written by JSNation

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