Are you a tech blogger? Attend Amsterdam JSNation 2019 for free
If blogging and coding in JavaScript are two of your favorite activities, come and join us at the conference on June 7
Amsterdam JSNation is a 2-day event (June 6–7, 2019) focusing exclusively on JavaScript development. At our conference, inspiring talks meet fresh ideas and good people with summer Amsterdam in the background. The headliners include the author of You Don't Know JS book series Kyle Simpson, and NearForm's technology director Matteo Collina.
As the date is getting closer, we’d like to give everyone who blogs (or vlogs) an opportunity to attend the conference. We're eager to get coverage of the event from the JavaScript community itself, and in return we'd like to offer blogger accreditations for free.
The deadline for applying is May 29, 2019. The number of available accreditations is limited, and every application is subject to approval from our side. Please mind that the accreditation is only valid for the conference day — June 7.
Necessary materials for the coverage before the event are available below — if you need anything else, feel free to grab content from our website or request additional materials from